Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Sandwich

In the cafeteria at work today, I saw the most beautiful sandwich ever made: Nutella, banana, peanut butter and marshmallows. On whole wheat.
Unable to loosen the shackles of society's convention of what "lunch" should be, I cowardly had a salad; The sandwich that could have been my lunch is still lingering in the virtual taste buds of my brain, though.

In the immortal works of Francis Lawrence 'Larry' Kubiac III, "Eat now?"


Minhoca said...

"stomach ache now"?

Anonymous said...

"lunch time " is avery relative concept. It was tea time over here!

Greg said...

Genius! Was the banana fried or fresh?

So jealous, i only get ham and cheese or tuna sandwiches in France... and of course the usual 4-course lunches :-)
